The Benefits of Walking Barefoot On Grass
Walking is one of our most primal and natural forms of movement and exercise. Our first achievement as kids, and a way for us to connect with the world around us.
This exercise finds even more meaning when we do this in connection with the earth. Walking barefoot on grass has innumerable benefits. Not only does it help you connect better, it also comes with its own health benefits. In this blog post, we talk about some of these benefits.
If they really are as effective as they say, it’s yours to find out (but trust me, they are.)
Walking barefoot on grass helps the body absorb negative ions from the earth, neutralizing stored up positive ions in the body accumulated from electronic devices. This natural process of grounding helps with inflammation and sleep by regulating your body’s electromagnetic balance.
Better Balance And Control
The soles of your feet are one of the most nerve- dense parts of the body. Walking on uneven surfaces helps the body to reactivate these neural connections and allows the body to relearn the sense of movement and balance.
Stress Relief
The act of walking barefoot on grass can be really calming. The texture of the grass provides a natural micro- massage if you wanna call it that. A connection with nature drives something very primal inside of us - this connection brings comfort.
Tackling Inflammation
Walking barefoot on grass helps the body dissipate its positive ions. This helps you with chronic inflammation and pain. A very natural way to reset.
Improved Sleep Quality
Make walking barefoot on grass a regular habit and you will experience a better quality of sleep. The activity is researched to have regulatory effects on the day- night cortisol rhythm. Better sleep just makes the day much better.
Better Immunity
Walking barefoot on grass activates nerves in the feet that may not have been active in a long time due to highly padded shoes. The activation of these nerves not only helps with balance but also blood flow to regulation throughout the body. This in effect helps with the body's natural healing actions, and better oxygen flow to all parts of the body.
Skin Health
Negative ions from the earth work as natural antioxidants for the body. This effect helps the body protect cells from damage and provide you with better skin and health overall.
Mental Health Benefits
Walking barefoot on grass encourages mindfulness, balance and being present in the moment. These features along with your deeper connection with nature, the feeling of one-ness helps you with your mental health and overall wellbeing.
Walking barefoot is a refreshing experience. Somehow with the rise of concretization of our cities, we have lost this practice. Only a few minutes a day can however really start showing effect if we put in the effort.
It is important though to take precaution in our parks as there may be some harmful items that can hurt you. Make sure to do this in well maintained areas and reap all the benefits barefoot walking has to offer.
And if you want to make this a practice in your daily life and want to stay connected at all times, Zen Barefoot shoes are your way to do this.